Anna Beatrice Dimitruk is a visual artist whose practice has developed alongside her other life callings of organic vegetable farming, Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture + Herbalism), and exploring personal growth and healing. She is a mixed media artist who employs drawing, painting, textiles, print-making, scratchboards, and digital media.

At present, her work explores the relationship between line, color, shape, and movement in abstract works using pen, paint and graphic design. Her primary inspirations are plants, landscapes, the human body, medicine, mysticism, and her dream life.

Anna also currently works as a contract Graphic Designer with The Body Positive, One Circle Foundation, and Classical Acupuncture College. Between these organizations she helps design and execute leadership training curricula, maintain web pages, and design social media posts and ads.

Anna was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA and currently lives in Asheville, NC.

Please email for questions, more examples of work, or if you would like to collaborate!